Altenative names, synonyms, exist for this plant. See RPC Plant Details and check the refernce websites for additional information.
Alternate Scientific Name (Synonym): Ranunculus ficaria
Highly invasive, tuberous-rooted, weedy perennial native to Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. Shiny, bright yellow flowers. Forms dense mats that crowd out spring ephemerals before going dormant in summer. All Ficaria and Ranunculus species are acrid and poisonous, and dangerous to livestock.
Additional Information
Reference Websites
Lesser Celandine
Genus species:
Ficaria verna
Ranunculus ficaria
Synonym Note:
Several botanical sites have adopted the name Ficaria verna. However, the RPC ref. sites continue to use the synonymm
Common Names:
Lesser Celandine, Fig Buttercup
Family Name:
Annual or perennial herbs, woody vines, and low shrubs; leaves various, often basal and alternate, simple to compound; flowers bisexual or unisexual, regular or irregular, in various clusters; fruit variable, most frequently a follicle or achene; family contains many highly poisonous plants.
Seed Type
Native: native to North America. Non-native: not native to North America. Introduced Native: native to North America, but not Rowe Woods.
* Definitions based on the USDA terminology
Flower Color:
Identified by:
A. Swanson
Months in Bloom
The highlighted month(s) in this chart indicates the month(s) the plant has been observed blooming.